
I'm feeling pretty good about the fact that my life is far from normal.

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Location: Mankato, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Reasons to Celebrate

Okay, this is pretty damn exciting. First off, I actually posted to this blog for two days in a row, which surprises even me. I won't deny that there was a part of me that believed blogging would end up as one of those "good" ideas of mine that never get off the ground. Kinda like scrapbooking was.

Yea, I never did get on that boat. I had intentions to-- I mean, scrapbooking seemed like the artsy way to capture memories, and I had plenty to catch with Nathan coming around, but I found myself getting annoyed with all the oddly-shaped scissors, corny sayings frozen on stickers, and annoying foam cut-outs and assorted goodies meant to be glued on colorful paper. The whole thing just started to bug me a little. I mean, who has all that time?

Unfortunately, I spent thirty bucks supplying myself with an arsenal of the before-mentioned goodies before I decided that the hobby pissed me off. It's a shame considering the types of quality art I could be producing with all that crap collecting dust under my bed. Shrimp, anyone?

So other than actually maintaining this blog for 48 hours, I am also excited about my new pact with Liz. And, no, not a lesbian pact (that's with you, my dear Katy). A pact that we will both take the GRE in the next month or two, and a pact that we will keep on each other about applying to doctorate programs for next year. The idea was one people (you know who you are) have been pushing me to consider as of late, and it is one I am considering more seriously... well, as of the last 24 hours... which of course means it could end up as successful of an idea as scrapbooking.


Blogger Liz said...

Hooray! You've arrived! If you keep up even once a month, you'll blog more than I do. Maybe we should try to beat Chad this year by writing once a week or so.

I'm also excited about our pact - should we have some sort of prize at the end? Apply to our schools and get a trip to France? Mmmm - enticing.

2:18 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Yes, a prize sounds perfect. Let's plan the trip to France. If we get through all the hoops in front of us, we'll have earned it!

6:02 PM  

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