
I'm feeling pretty good about the fact that my life is far from normal.

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Location: Mankato, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

God as an Authoritarian Discipliner?

The following is a current surface map of the United States. I am a little confused because it looks like there is a huge chunk of white stuff over Minnesota, yet it is is almost the middle of April. Hmmmm.. this leads me to ask, "Is there no God?"

What have we done to deserve this? Is it because of Minnesotans' poor attitude towards their friendly neighbors, the Wisconsinites? Maybe God is dishing out a little negative reinforcement. It seems to me that if Minnesotans would try to be nicer to their amicable neighbor to the East (and I mean real nice, not passive-aggressive nice), maybe we wouldn't be dealing with 10 inches of snow just two weeks after 80 degree weather. I'm just sayin'.

So back to how much snow sucks. Snow sucks. Although I do wish I was plowing-- seems the best way to play with snow is in the cab of a plow truck. I imagine those folks are all warm and cozy, hot cocoa in a thermos, radio on high. And to top it off, they get to play with a big-boy-sized shovel attached to the front of their truck. Think of the gigantic snowmen that could be made.

If I could get my hands on a plow truck, I would make a creation like this (only maybe not as creepy looking):

Hats off to all you who have to go out in this weather. Personally, I'm hoping school is canceled tomorrow.


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